Assisi Bhavan, Chotty

Place : Chotty
Parish: Velichiyani
Established Year: 1993
Address: AssisiBhavan chittady p.O, Chotty Kottayam Dt
Pin: 686524
Phone: 9605805779

On 20-05-1993 an old age home for women, offering sanctuary to poor, sick and destitute women was opened at Chotty in Velichiyani parish. It also aimed at offering care and treatment for the aged and ailing sisters. On 14th December 1995 a new building was completed and was blessed by Bishop Mar Mathew Vattakuzhy. Rev.Fathers of Niramalaram (OFM Conv.) and Rev. Parish Priests of Velichiani administer all the spiritual needs and celebrate the Holy Mass in the house. In the Perpetual adoration offered in the house, the parishioners, especially  the neighbours also participate. The house, a sanctuary for the destitute and the homeless is a fountain of strength for all communities  in the region through their prayers.

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